Monday, November 10, 2008

First Timer

Ok, so my friends at work do this blog thing and I'm kinda bored today so I guess they talked me into it. For the record, my title "Bouts of Randomness" is exactly what you will get out of this blog. My thoughts are random and strange yet somewhat normal at the same time. And I tend to make no sense from time to time so please forgive me if you don't understand what I'm writing. Anywho, yeah there's really nothing else to say about me today because my life really isn't all that interesting. I'll write back later with a story or something and put some pics up of my everyday life:)

1 comment:

Holls said...

YAY!!!! I am so pumped that you are officially a blogger now. I knew it was only a matter of time. Love Hollie

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